Code of Conduct for Volunteers
1. Purpose
The Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services Workplace Code of Conduct applies to contractors, students, volunteers, and employees, herein after referred to as "staff and affiliates." Waukesha County staff and affiliates should always act with fairness, honesty, integrity, and openness; respect the opinions of others; and treat all with equality and dignity without regard to gender, race, color, creed, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, disability, age, or sexual orientation. An atmosphere of respect shall provide a foundation for all services, activities, and professional relationships with the Department's service delivery network. Respect is reaching out to and relating to others in a kind manner, acknowledging and affirming their dignity and intrinsic worth. To achieve this purpose, staff and affiliates are expected to:
- conduct themselves in a manner that shows pride in Waukesha County, its citizens, and services
- adhere to this Policy in their professional, as well as personal conduct when representing Waukesha County
- treat each other with respect, courtesy, honesty, and fairness
- respect different values, beliefs, cultures, and religions of each other and clients
- value the contribution of each member, and work co-operatively with them
- not to bully, intimidate, harass, discriminate, or use vulgar language against each other or clients
- respond with compassion and kindness to the needs of our clients
- provide accurate and helpful information to our clients and to each other
- emphasize the use of positive language
- recognize the importance of timely and responsive communication
- establish and maintain a consistent contact through a trusting and collaborative relationship, following through on what was promised, and establishing a person-centered approach to addressing client needs
- help others to identify and choose the path to achieve their goals
- accept criticism and provide honest feedback with compassion, while avoiding any shaming or humiliation
- demonstrate competence handing confidential information
- maintain a polite, consistent, and responsive demeanor in assisting individuals, visitors, family members, staff, affiliates, or others
2. Waukesha County Standards of Excellence
The expectations referenced in section 1 of this Code of Conduct are based on Waukesha County's Standards of Excellence. Staff and affiliates will be focused on delivering high quality, essential services with competence and skill. With the vision "Leading the Way" in mind, Waukesha County values:
- Teamwork and Collaboration
- Innovation
- Efficiency & Cost Savings
- Communication
- Ethics & Diversity
- Well-being
3. Equality of Opportunity
One of the Department's Standards of Excellence is the promotion of inclusivity and valuing diversity. The division seeks to ensure that the work environment for its staff and affiliates is supportive, and one where individual respect is shown to all. Staff and affiliates, regardless of their gender, race, ethnic background, culture, (dis)ability, sexual orientation, age, religion, socio-economic status, or any other factor, will be supported and encouraged to perform to their potential.
4. Workplace Behavior
Staff and affiliates behavior within the workplace can contribute positively to creating a productive and harmonious environment in which all staff and affiliates can be inspired and achieve their full potential. However, when behavior is inappropriate or dysfunctional, it can have serious consequences on productivity, job satisfaction, and on the physical and psychological well-being of staff and affiliates. The Code of Conduct sets out the behavior or conduct expected for all staff and affiliates, whether they are on Waukesha County grounds or representing Waukesha County elsewhere. Staff and affiliates have a duty of care to each other and must comply at all times with the Code of Conduct. The Department aims to prevent and minimize behavior which may adversely affect the harmony of the workplace and/or cause harm or injury to others.
5. Unacceptable Workplace Behavior
Unacceptable workplace behavior is inconsistent with the behavior described in the Code of Conduct. Differing social and cultural standards may mean that behavior that is acceptable to some, may be perceived as unacceptable or unreasonable to others. In determining whether behavior is unacceptable or unreasonable, consider what a "reasonable person" would judge to be unacceptable or unreasonable having regards to the circumstances.
Behavior or conduct which is not consistent with the Code of Conduct is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. All staff and affiliates, supervisors, and managers have a responsibility to take action in relation to unacceptable behavior. Reports or complaints of unacceptable behavior will be taken seriously and handled in a confidential, impartial, and fair manner, taking into account the principles of procedural fairness. The Department is obligated to take action when it becomes aware of unacceptable behavior which may have an adverse effect on the well-being of staff and affiliates.
6. Conduct Concerns List
The conduct concerns listed below are not intended to be all-inclusive. Rather, they provide examples of unacceptable conduct for which employees may be disciplined, up to and including termination. Unacceptable conduct not specifically listed may, nonetheless, result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
a. Verbal
- Ugly speech (i.e. spreading unseemly gossip about each other's personal lives, bad-mouthing others in the break room, speaking with disrespect to and about a client or other employees, use of vulgar language, harassing or discriminatory statements)
- Refusal to follow management's instructions concerning a job related matter or being insubordinate
- Verbal personal abuse meant to demean each other as a human ("You're not competent at your job," "It's your fault," etc.), including personal abuse directed at another without specifically mentioning the person's name
- Negative sarcasm at the expense of staff and affiliates (often overlooked due to its comedic nature)
- Aggressive tone of voice towards staff and affiliates and clients ("STOP IT!", "SERIOUSLY?!", "WHATEVER!")
b. Nonverbal
- Intentional actions demanding repeated instructions from a supervisor to complete a task
- Purposefully not participating in actions that require teamwork:
- Not helping others
- Not communicating as normally expected
- Work slowdown (normal productivity isn't exhibited)
- Injecting tension into the workplace
- Direct: malicious behavior directed toward others who act in a manner contrary to expectations
- Indirect: exhibiting aggression through behavior and actions that give pause in interacting with each other, including all forms of utterances and actions directed to display disrespect towards another person and/or insubordination
- Aggressive handling of workplace items (slamming folders on a desk or slamming a door)
- Performing visible actions that mimic a physical action (punching at a wall, but halting the punch 2 inches from the actual wall)
- Verbalizing an angry sign of frustration
- Angry typing on the keyboard
- Sending e-mails with the intent to antagonize others
- Unwelcomed physical contact (reference Human Resources Chapter 1, section 3200 -Zero Tolerance Workplace Violence Policy and Procedure)
- Harassing or discriminating in the workplace (reference Human Resource Chapter 1, section 1000 – Harassment in the Workplace)
- Using their position to influence clients from making their own choices
7. Disciplinary Action and Grievances
Disciplinary actions shall be conducted in a manner to ensure the fair treatment of staff and affiliates. Staff and affiliates who violate the Code of Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, depending on the facts and circumstances. Progressive disciplinary action will generally be applied. However, there may be circumstances when one or more progressive disciplinary actions are bypassed. Certain types of conduct are serious enough to justify either a suspension or termination of employment without going through progressive discipline steps. Staff and affiliates are encouraged and expected to report concerns and suspected breaches of this Code of Conduct, and are assured that there will be no retaliation or other negative consequences.
8. Non-retaliation
Retaliation is not tolerated by the Department, and will be promptly investigated. Retaliation is any adverse action taken against a staff or affiliate because that person reported suspected misconduct. Any person who interferes with, tries to interfere with, or retaliates against the rights of another person for reporting suspected misconduct or cooperating in an investigation, is subject to disciplinary action. Where possible, confidentiality will be maintained, however, identity may have to be disclosed to conduct a thorough investigation, to comply with the law, and to provide accused individuals their rights of defense.
9. False or Inaccurate Accusations
It is important to protect individuals from false, unsubstantiated, or inaccurate accusations. Staff or affiliates who knowingly provide false information or knowingly make a false report of suspected misconduct or a subsequent false report of retaliation, or who knowingly provide false answers or information in response to an ongoing investigation, will be subject to disciplinary action.
10. Responsibilities of Staff and Affiliates
Every staff and affiliate has a responsibility to ensure that their behavior is consistent with the Code of Conduct, and to take appropriate action when they directly experience or observe behavior which they consider to be inappropriate. Such action may include keeping a factual record of the incident (e.g. the date, time, nature of behavior, what was said, witnesses, etc.) and:
- Speak directly to the person responsible for the behavior, stating that their behavior is inappropriate, and ask them to stop behaving in that way. This action should be taken if the person is comfortable with interacting directly with the person responsible for the behavior. This could solve the problem, particularly if the person responsible for the behavior is unaware of their behavior or the way it affects others.
- Refer individuals as needed to the Code of Conduct.
- Advise a person that may come to you for direction on how to handle a situation to speak to their direct supervisor for next steps.
- Seek confidential information and advice from your supervisor.
- Report the behavior to your direct supervisor within the work unit or other senior management
The staff or affiliate accused of inappropriate behavior may also seek assistance and advice from their supervisor. The person should be willing to discuss, and if appropriate, address the behavior under question to achieve resolution.
11. The Team
WCDHHS instills a strong team spirit involving the acceptance and tolerance of differences in perspectives and working styles between staff and affiliates. All staff and affiliates work toward a common goal, and look beyond the differences among individuals within the team.
This is to acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the Waukesha County Department of Health and Human Services Code of Conduct. I agree to comply with the standards contained in the Code of Conduct and all related policies and procedures as is required, as part of my continued employment or association with the County. I acknowledge that the Code of Conduct is a statement of principles for individual and business conduct, and is a guide for you when conducting business for Waukesha County.
I understand that the Department, from time to time, may issue policies which also govern employee conduct. All of these other policies are incorporated by reference into this Code of Conduct.