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Aging & Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County
Resource Guide Request for Inclusion / Annual Update


It is the policy of the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County (ADRC) not to include resource information on agencies that deny services based on age, race, religion, color, disability, sex, physical condition, developmental disability, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or any other protected characteristic.

The ADRC provides information and assistance services. This service is designed to support older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers and the general public with access to up-to-date information about services available in their area.

  • Organizations that provide services in the areas of health, mental health, recreation, education, home maintenance, housing, advocacy, art and culture and not-for-profit organizations providing a community service or charge fees on a sliding fee scale according to income are welcome additions to our Resource Guide.
  • For-profit organizations based upon uniqueness of service, lack of comparable services available through not-for-profit agencies/groups and degree of need for the services and the level of subsidized services available are also considered on an individual basis.
  • The ADRC reserves the right to edit information to meet format guidelines and space requirements. The ADRC also reserves the right to refuse or discontinue listings for organizations or programs that have had serious complaints lodged against them with any regulatory body or with the ADRC.
  • To be considered for inclusion:
    • Agencies must be in operation for a minimum of 3 years.
    • Must provide services to Waukesha County residents.

If you would like to be considered for the ADRC of Waukesha County Resource Guide and meet the requirements above, please fill out the Resource Guide Inclusion & Annual Update Form. If you are a provider who is currently listed in our Resource Guide, please use the form to submit an annual update of your information. To be considered for the following year’s Resource Guide, an update form must be submitted, even if none of your agency’s information has changed, as this helps us verify that your listing is correct. All annual updates and requests for inclusion shall be submitted electronically via the ADRC website at and must be received no later than October 1st.

Inclusion in the ADRC Resource Guide is a privilege, not a right. Inclusion does not signify an endorsement of any program or service and omission does not indicate disapproval by the ADRC. All submissions are subject to approval and do not guarantee inclusion. The ADRC will not contact you to confirm your inclusion. ADRC reserves the right to edit information to meet format, guidelines, and space requirements. The Aging & Disability Resource Center of Waukesha County assumes no responsibility regarding the quality of services of agencies and programs in the ADRC Resource Guide.

To be considered for inclusion in next year’s publication, or to submit your annual update, this completed form must be received by the ADRC no later than October 1st. While not all of these fields may apply to your particular agency, please complete this form as thoroughly as possible. Omission of information or failure to submit an update by the deadline may invalidate your request for inclusion or impact your current listing in this publication.


ADRC Resource Guide Inclusion Application

Agency Listed?

Agency Information

Days & Hours of Normal Operation

Legal Status

General Information

To be considered for inclusion:
  • Agencies must be in operation for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Must provide services to Waukesha County residents.
Please indicate which, if any, of the following special services your agency may offer
Please indicate your agency's intake procedure

Description of Services

Administrative Contact Information

(Please indicate the person representing your agency whom the ADRC should contact if we need to follow-up on the information you have provided to us. Please include name, job title, phone number, & email. The annual reminder to update/verify your listing with us shall be directed to the person indicated here:)

I affirm that the information supplied on this form on behalf of my agency is current and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have read this document and am aware that submission of this form does not guarantee inclusion in the ADRC Resource Guide. I understand that it is my rsponsibility- or that of the administrative contact listed- to complete and submit this form annually by the deadline to indicate interest in being considered for next year’s publication.


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